Women Making History is a new exhibition of more than 100 hand-crafted banners made for PROCESSIONS, a 14-18 NOW commission, to mark 100 years of the first UK women getting the vote. Emblazoned with the concerns of women across the UK, the banners are an inspiring reminder of the importance of feminist activism and the power of protest today.
The Women Making History banners can be used for inspiration for your pupils/students in order to create their own banners and artwork. The themes explored in these banners can also provide a talking point about modern day gender rights and the continued importance of giving a voice to communities who don’t normally have a public platform.
Inspired by the banners, ideas, themes and history behind Women Making History, our aim is for this resource to be a starting point for your pupils/students to explore and learn about the history of Women’s Suffrage, democracy and gender equality.
We have created some simple and easy to follow activities to include in your teaching plans, which will encourage your pupils/students to develop historical knowledge and awareness of Women’s Suffrage as well as offering an opportunity to discuss gender equality within today’s context. Activities encourage responses through discussion, movement, debate, music and visual art.
The resources are primarily designed for Years 5-8 in England and Wales, Years 6-9 in Northern Ireland and P6-S2 in Scotland, but they’re easily accessible for lower and upper age ranges.
We want to encourage your pupils/students to explore their own views and opinions on gender equality today, as well as gaining an understanding about the importance of democracy and using your vote. Only 47% of 18-24-year-olds voted in the last national election (source: UK Parliament website, 2019 election) and we want this project to encourage young people to vote in the future and inspire them to have their voice heard.
This resource pack provides creative ideas as to how to work with your pupils/students. It is modular so it can be followed through from beginning to end or activities can be picked out and used individually. At times you might work with the class as a whole and at other times you may task smaller groups with the different activities provided. We have suggested subject links as part of each activity to help make useful connections with your teaching plans.
These activities, when paired with images of the Women Making History exhibition banners and our banner-making toolkits, will give your students/pupils stimuli and inspiration for the content of their own banners.
This standalone resource has been designed for on-going cross-curricular use in school and can be used alongside attendance at the exhibition.