Artist, writer and inventor.

Whilst St George takes much of his inspiration from the many inventions that bloomed at the end of the nineteenth century, he is equally fascinated by the multi–faceted relationships between viewer and viewed.

Other works include Minumental Sculpture, tiny versions of monumental sculptures; Geistlich Tube, a device that some people say detects the presence of spirits; and Supermoment, a project highlighting the hidden technology in our lives.

These projects all share a love of early inventions. We take photographs, watch films, send messages, get from place to place at speeds that should make us faint and most of the time, we think nothing of it. St George uses art to take us back to a time when the invention was new and unfamiliar and to awaken us to the magic of what we can do with technology.

As well as creating new art, St George has recently written a novel about too many coincidences and a group of superstitious people.